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Committees, Minutes, Agendas

 Cemetery Committee 

Members Needed

The Cemetery Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Council regarding the operation and maintenance of the Algoma Mills Cemetery.


  Committee of Adjustment 

The Committee of Adjustment consists of all members of Council.  They handle all planning matters in the Township.  Whenever a planning issue arises a meeting is scheduled and the matter is dealt with by the members.  Some issues that are dealt with are plans of subdivision, severances and amendments to the Official Plan and zoning by-law.





  Police Services Board

Police services to the community are provided by the Ontario Provincial Police.  A Police Services Board meets quarterly.  The Board is made up of 3 members as set out in the Police Services Act.  There is one member from Council, one from the public appointed by Council and one appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.


  Property Standards Committee

Members Needed

The Committee's responsibilities and authorities are legislated by the Provincial Building Code Act and the Provincial Planning Act.  Their purpose is to hear formal appeals to an order issued to a property owner or owners under the Municipality's Property Standards By-Law (By-Law No. 14-06) and to make a ruling in accordance with the Acts and the Municipal By-Law.  The committee meets when required.


When one considers the responsibilities of the Property Standards Committee it could be more aptly named The Property Standards Appeal Committee because it doesn't become involved in property standards issues until an appeal has been launched.  In order to maintain an unbiased position, neither the committee nor the committee members can be involved in property standards issues prior to an appeal.


  Recreation Committee

The Committee is comprised of 6 to 10 members.  The mandate of the Committee is to act as a working group for Council and the Clerk/Treasurer in matters pertaining to planning community sports and other recreational events within the Township of the North Shore.